Monday, March 30, 2020

Absolute Zero in Chemistry

Absolute Zero in ChemistryWhat is absolute zero in chemistry? It can be a complicated question. Absolute zero in chemistry is the temperature at which no heat can exist.Some people are very confused about absolute zero in chemistry. They might think that it is a thermometer that measures the temperature of a substance, but the reason that the substance will not be able to heat up to its normal temperature is due to the substance's structure.When we say that the substance's structure's tendency to retain heat is its weakness, then it means that a substance's molecules are always in motion. The molecules of the substance are never in perfect harmony with each other, which will prevent the substance from making any temperature increase. So, the temperature of the substance will never reach its normal level.Let us assume that we have a substance that can reach absolute zero. When we say that it has reached its limit, then it becomes an impossible substance. That substance cannot have any temperature increase at all. We need to find some other way to get it to a normal level.If you look at the substance's molecules, they are constantly moving. The particles are constantly on the move, and they are constantly changing positions in relation to each other. It would take a very long time for a single molecule to make any temperature increase, and the movement of particles is something that needs to be taken into account when it comes to physics.As a matter of fact, chemical reactions must take place in many different locations to reach a final goal. A change in one location only leads to a temporary increase in temperature. Once the substance reaches its normal temperature, it will stop taking any temperature changes seriously and start to cool down.You need to keep in mind that when talking about absolute zero in chemistry, this is a phenomenon that cannot be changed. Once the substance reaches zero, it will never get any warmer. There is no chance that it will make a change in its position or speed in order to get back to normal temperature.In order to properly understand the concept of zero temperatures, you need to know the correct definition of this concept. Absolute zero is not the same as zero degree Celsius or the temperature of space. It is the same thing, which is why it is called absolute zero.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Chemistry Test Results - Did You Beat Out Your High School Entrance Grades?

Chemistry Test Results - Did You Beat Out Your High School Entrance Grades?I was getting pretty tired of being tested out by the stupid questions that my chemistry test was giving me. Every single question is totally unfair, and each one of them makes me feel like I'm going to fail. This is no way to a good score on a test that has so much weight to it.My friends were always telling me that I'd have a hard time with it and that I'd probably fail. But here I am now, and I've failed every single one of them and have to say I was very surprised to see how high my score was.This is a brand new subject, a whole new field of science, and I've spent thousands of dollars studying this new information. The only question now is whether or not I'm going to take the placement test next year and pass or fail.Now, since I have an entire new set of chemistry questions I can't remember, I decided to try and do what I did the last time, which was to get some help. This time though, I know I want to d o well, and that is why I'll be doing a review of my notes for this test to make sure I'm doing the right thing.I'm going to make sure I follow the right things in order to do well on this test, and I'm going to work my best. After all, the more confident I am the easier it is to score high.Taking the test again this year isn't the problem. There are hundreds of ways to beat the test, but you have to take the time to learn how to ace it this time. It's the same when taking the SATs, but when I go into this test it's different because I know this information.So if you're up for a challenge, then take your knowledge to the next level. If you're just worried about high school entrance, then learn to ace the test, but if you're going to score high on a higher level of test, then it's going to take some time and hard work to do it.

Learning to Spell in English

Learning to Spell in EnglishAre you trying to learn to spell in English? If so, you have come to the right place. Learning to spell in English is one of the first steps to getting a good job. It may take a while to learn but by the time you are fluent in the language, you will be well on your way to career success.In English, the vowels are just one letter apart. If you learn how to spell all of the common letters, you will be well on your way to fluency. For instance, the T is pronounced 'Ta' and W are pronounced 'We'. There are other similar examples. You can learn how to spell all of these letters.The fact that English has so many consonants makes it even more important to learn how to spell them. In English, there are two vowels that can be spelled with just one letter. 'Ah'Oh' are two such. If you want to be able to spell those two letters correctly, then you will need to learn how to spell 'ah'oh'. By the time you are fluent, you will be able to spell all of the consonants corr ectly.You may think that you can write your way through all of the different variations of English letters. While it is true that it is possible, it is a lot easier to get into the habit of writing out the names of all of the words before you begin to read them. This habit is easy to start. Once you have the habit, it becomes easier to spell correctly. And once you become fluent, you can often get an extra letter added to the end of your spelling.The next thing that you should do to learn to spell in English is to use the Internet. You will be surprised how useful this technology can be. There are lots of grammar and spelling sites that you can use to help you learn how to spell.If you find that the Internet does not offer much help for you, you can get help from books on the subject. Just check out your local library to see if they have a book on the subject.When you are getting ready to learn to spell in English, you can also go to the library and look up some books on the subject . They may not teach you exactly how to learn to spell, but they will probably give you lots of great tips and techniques that you can use to get better at the skill. Try to get lots of practice. After you master the basics, you will be on your way to having a fantastic and productive career.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Organic Chemistry Klein Second Edition Review

Organic Chemistry Klein Second Edition ReviewOrganic Chemistry Klein Second Edition has a lot to offer an avid student of the subject. While the previous edition was well received by most students, Klein's new and improved edition is easily the best selling chemistry book to date.The first thing I noticed when I opened the book was how much I really enjoyed the text. In a very short period of time I found myself almost completely engrossed in the research and review sections of the book.In fact, most of the other reviews I have read agree. This is probably because the book is packed with practical applications and excellent reviews of some very popular theories and their applications in the real world. With just a few minutes, a person could easily memorize and understand all the information presented in the book.The next thing I noticed was that Klein has taken great pains to make sure that the theories contained in the book are as useful as possible. This resulted in multiple examp les, clear explanations, and examples of real world applications. Many of the examples you see in the book are based on real world situations.It goes without saying that the book contains an enormous amount of information for those who have a passing interest in organic chemistry. For those who want to get into the subject more deeply, or who plan to go to graduate school in the future, Klein has included a section that discusses graduate school preparation, research opportunities, job prospects, and more. Klein's attention to detail is certainly admirable and shows that he put a lot of effort into his work.The final reason why I recommend Klein's Second Edition is because I know that it will be the best way to learn all the concepts and theories contained in the book. As I mentioned earlier, the book has been thoroughly revised to make it more useful, more enjoyable, and more accessible.I can confidently say that I have not found a better place to get into organic chemistry. I am c onfident that this is the chemistry textbook that everyone who wants to understand the subject should be using.

Ordering decimals

Ordering decimals Ordering decimals can be done in an ascending order or descending order. Ascending order is arranging numbers from smaller to greater. Descending order is arranging numbers from greater to smaller. Decimal number is placing a decimal point between the digits. The decimal numbers need to be compared before ordering them. If the given decimal numbers are equal to each other they are represented by =. If the given decimal numbers are greater than each other they are represented by . If the given decimal numbers are less than each other they are represented by . Example 1: Order the following decimal numbers from smaller to larger fraction: 2.3, 7.5, 6.5, 1.2, and 4.6. Solution: Given are five decimal numbers 2.3, 7.5, 6.5, 1.2, and 4.6 in random order. Arranging from smaller to larger is called as ascending order. The number with the greater whole number part is greater. This gives 1.2 2.3 4.6 6.5 7.5. Hence, ascending order of the decimal is: 1.2, 2.3, 4.6, 6.5, and 7.5. Question: Multiple choice question (Pick the correct option.) Order the decimal number 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 from greater to smaller? a) 10.7, 10.6, 10.5 b) 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 c) 10.6, 10.7, 10.5 d) None of these. Correct answer: option a. Explanation: Given are three decimal numbers 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7. Arranging from larger to smaller be called as descending order. The numbers have same whole number so compare the decimal part. This gives 10.7 10.6 10.5.

A Day in the Life at University of Minnesota

A Day in the Life at University of Minnesota The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Kelly received her Bachelors degree in English from University of Minnesota. She is currently a tutor in St. Louis specializing in essay editingtutoring, study skills tutoring, and writingtutoring, among other subjects. See what she had to say about her experience at University of Minnesota: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. How urban or rural is the campus? Did you feel safe on campus? Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Kelly: University of Minnesota is an urban campus with a small college town feel to it. Many people commute to campus from the suburbs and other areas of the city, but there is a rich on-campus living community and plenty of amenities immediately surrounding campus, like restaurants, coffee shops, book stores, fast food, groceries, etc. University of Minnesota is very large, and it straddles the east and west banks of the Mississippi. A portion of the campus is in Saint Paul, but there is an extensive and efficient shuttle system that is free for students and really easy to use. Campus is also very bike friendly, and the city bus system running to and from campus to other parts of the two cities is also easy to use. With such a large student body, parking can be a problem, but if you dont mind walking 30-40 minutes for class, there is free parking in the neighborhoods north of campus (though that can be very undesirable in the winter). Speaking of winter, there is an extensive tunnel system below the main East Bank part of campus that can make it possible to get across campus without being outside. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Kelly:This depends on your major and the classes youre in. There are a lot of huge lecture classes, but most have small discussion or lab sections that meet once a week. These are led by a teaching assistant (TA). In these cases, youll get to know your TA pretty well, and TAs are usually available in office hours and through email, but itll take a bit of extra work and persistence to get to know your professor. Academic advisers can be difficult to form a strong relationship with if you dont meet with them often, because they advise a large number of students. But if you do the work to show your face theyll get to know you really well, and theyll be able to help you better navigate through the often very impersonal academic system. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Kelly:I had a great dorm experience. I became close friends with most of the people living on my floor and the floors immediately above and below me, and theyve remained my closest friends throughout college and in the years since. It can be hard to meet people at University of Minnesota because of how large your classes are and just how big the campus community is, but the dorms do a great job of introducing students to that community. I thought the dorm food was wonderful, but word on the street is that my dorm (Sanford Hall) had the best dorm food on campus. The dorm rooms are very small, but there were enough common areas and other places to hang out on campus that it was manageable. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Kelly:University of Minnesota is pretty strong in both the sciences and the humanities, though I got the impression that the sciences are better supported because of the funding those programs bring in. I studied English and Art History because I found them most interesting. I had a much better experience in my English classes, though, because they were much smaller and were discussion-based. I enjoyed the intimacy of this learning experience, since all of my other classes (the science requirements and even the Art History classes) were held in giant lecture halls with hundreds of students. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Kelly:Greek life is very strong at University of Minnesota, but it didnt play a significant role in my experience. I found friends through dorm life and through special interests. Getting involved in things you care about (theater, music, special causes or charities, intramural sports, etc.) is a great way to make lifelong friends, and there are a ton of opportunities for this kind of thing on campus. If you commute to campus, making friends can be very difficult, but living in the dorms (at least for freshman year) is a guaranteed way to meet a lot of great people. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Kelly:During peak hours, the student union is very crowded. Its a great place to meet friends and get a bite to eat, but if you want something quieter or with more guaranteed seating, youll want to seek out corners of the union or seating areas in other buildings where there isnt a lot of foot traffic. There are a lot of these places, and youll definitely find your favorite if you just go exploring. The libraries can be crowded, but again, the top or bottom floors are usually quieter, and there are plenty of places out of the way that people dont generally know about. I had many refuges on campus where I could study for hours at a time without seeing another person. There are also a lot of coffee shops just outside of campus that are great for studying or meeting friends. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Kelly:Dinkytown, directly north of campus, is a great little college town with everything you need coffee shops, restaurants, music venues, etc. I was never without something fun to do with friends. The music scene in particular is very strong both around campus and in Minneapolis in general. Theres a rich arts scene in Minneapolis and, again, great restaurants and other things to do, but there are many opportunities for this in and around campus, as well. For example, the campus orchestra has free concerts, and the theater program has free plays and student showcases. The campus art museum is also excellent. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Kelly:As Ive said, the student body is huge, but there are plenty of niche groups on campus, so that makes it easy for you to find people with the same interests as you. You also meet a ton of people who are very different from yourself, which I thought was the best part of the large campus experience. My college life was enriched by people from different classes, ethnicities, and social backgrounds, who I know I never would have gotten the chance to meet at a smaller university. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Kelly:While at University of Minnesota, I studied abroad twice a semester in London and a May session (one month) in Florence. The May study abroad classes are awesome because theyre cheaper than the semester-long experiences, and theyre a lot more intimate you have one or two teachers who accompany you, and generally about 30 classmates who travel with you. This was another great way to make lifelong friends and learn and experience a great deal in such a short amount of time. I spent every single day that May walking all around Florence, Rome, and other Italian cities, learning about the Renaissance and seeing the sights. I didnt have much money at the time, and my mom got mad at me because I couldnt afford to call her every day while I was there, but it was such an amazing experience, and Im so glad for all the opportunities University of Minnesota provided for me! Check out Kellys tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

What is Health Coaching

What is Health Coaching Health Coaching ChaptersWhere’s There’s A Need There’s A SupplyWhat Exactly Do Health Coaches Do?Key To A Brighter Health FutureLimits of a Health CoachPrinciples of Coaching  Who Could Benefit From a Health Coach?What Should You Look For in a Health Coach?We wouldn’t blame you if you had no idea what a health coach is! Most of us would go to see a medical doctor or a specialist if we had a health problem, but now more and more people are turning to health coaches for help!If you think you need one on one attention then a health coach can help. A coach can help you reach your health goals whether they are to lose weight, change your diet, de-stress or to boost your energy.Medical doctors don’t always have the time to dedicate to your personal needs so going with a health coach could improve your health.The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the largest nutrition school in the US, defines a health coach as “a wellness authority and supportive mentor who motivates individuals to cultivat e positive health choices. Health coaches educate and support clients to achieve their health goals through lifestyle and behaviour adjustments.” Basically, health coaches are highly educated guides in the fields of nutrition, wellness, bio-individuality and mentoring.Find out about the types of life coaches.Those who are obese are setting themselves up for many health problems in the future. A health coach can help change eating habits (Source: Visual Hunt)  Who Could Benefit From a Health Coach?There are many reasons you might need help from a health coach. For instance, you might consider looking for one if you:Need some guidance on moving forward in your careerWant to learn how to take advantage of your own strengths and talentsDon't know what to do about a major life decision, such as a move or promotionDon't have an acceptable work-life balanceHave a lot of stressAren't as healthy as you'd like to beWhatever your problem a coach could help. Especially if you feel like you do n’t get enough attention from a medical doctor then getting a health coach could be the best option. What Should You Look For in a Health Coach?Because you would spend a lot of one-on-one time with your coach, not to mention trusting them with your goals, make sure the two of you are a good match. You should be comfortable sharing your life goals with them. And you should feel strongly that they will be able to help you achieve that goal.Life Coaching is currently an unregulated profession in the UK meaning pretty much anyone can call themselves a health coach.Having said this, qualifications and memberships don’t mean much if you don't get on with your life coach. Rapport is one of the most important factors of life coaching. If you don’t feel comfortable with your coach, it is unlikely you’ll gain much from the session.Before you sign on for any coaching sessions, interview a few potential life or wellness coaches. Ask how they usually work with clients. Ask for references so you can get a sense of their personality and style and whether they fit with yours.A coach is also different from a psychotherapist, who is a mental health care professional with training in medicine, psychology, nursing, or social work. If you think that depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems may be getting in the way of realising your goals, then you may want to talk with a licensed mental health professional before you hire a coach.Health coaches are at the forefront of today’s health revolution. At a time when one in five people will die of lifestyle-related disease, as well as when  diabetes and obesity are at an all-time high, health coaches provide the nutritional and lifestyle guidance society desperately needs to find its way back to health.Read about personal development coaching.Read about creative coaching.Read about business coaching.Read about spiritual coaching.

What is it Like to Attend Oklahoma State University

What is it Like to Attend Oklahoma State University Courtney earned her bachelors degree in English from Oklahoma State University. She specializes in English tutoring,test prep tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Oklahoma State University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Courtney: I attended Oklahoma State University and the campus was quite large, but all of the buildings were within walking distance of each other without having to cross any major streets. They provided a bus system to transport students around the town and the campus. The college is located in a small city, so it had a bit of a suburban vibe, but also a little rural because its in Oklahoma. I felt very safe on campus; there were lights and emergency phone boxes all over. People were always out and about because the campus is beautiful. I felt fine walking home alone at night, but I always made sure to be aware of all my surroundings. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Courtney: My specific academic adviser made himself incredibly available to all students, opening his doors during lunch and almost all hours of the school day. Everyone felt comfortable coming to him with any problem they might have had. I would say the other advisers are pretty available as well and most everyone is very welcoming. Most of the professors are available, although with most of them you must make an appointment to see them. Some of them adopt the same attitude as my adviser, and leave their rooms open. Professors in college tend to feel less approachable than teachers in high school just because they expect more, they dont tolerate misbehavior, and youre in an environment of higher learning. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Courtney: The dorms were great and had many options. I stayed in the suite dorms with three other roommates the first two years of college, although you are only required to stay on campus the first year. The school offered plenty of dining options, sometimes in the dorms themselves, and also a variety of great options in the student union. Socializing with other students is easy because the campus is beautiful, so everyone is outside when its nice. The school offers plenty of events, clubs, and programs in which you can meet tons of new students in the exact same boat as you. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Courtney: My college offers one of the best veterinary programs in the United States. Because its in Oklahoma, the agricultural college is obviously very well supported and encouraged. I studied English and I very much loved the English department, even the building itself and the professors that taught within it. I would say the university does a pretty good job of supporting all other interests. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Courtney: At first, it seems hard to get out and meet new people, but then you remember that everyone is in the same position as you are. I met most of my friends in my dorm and in some of my freshman classes, such as freshman orientation. I would encourage new students to try out a few different campus-sponsored events if they feel its hard to meet new people, and I would especially encourage them to reach out to other students in class, perhaps suggesting a study group. Greek life plays a pretty significant role, but I would say the social life is equally rich for the Greek student and the non-Greek student. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Courtney: My school hosts many job fairs and career-related events and they also allow you to continue using their career-finding services even after youve graduated. Working with your college can really help once you graduate. They offer resume-building services, internships, and plenty of college-enriching programs, such as studying abroad. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Courtney: The library and student union are very large. Our student union is considered one of the biggest and best in the nation after its recent renovation. Our school is well funded and has a couple of donors who are constantly renovating and improving the campus. Its not overcrowded at all and definitely easily accessable. Describe the surrounding town. Courtney: The campus is located in a smaller town, so oftentimes the more fun events and activities are involved with the campus or the immediate surrounding area of the campus. The downtown area is literally right next to the campus, so all of the festivities tend to stay close to the actual college or the middle of the town. It doesnt take long to get anywhere in that town. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Courtney: The student body is quite large, with about 25,000 students. In the first year or two, and sometimes in the later years of undergrad, you will generally come across larger lecture-style classes, as everyone is trying to take their general education classes. Once you take classes that are more specific to your field of study, the class size will shrink and you will go through your specific program with the same general group of people. I got fairly close with the people who were in my English/education program. Overall, I was pleased with the class sizes. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Courtney: I had one professor who made a huge impact on me. She was a teacher for the upper-level English courses, like my literary criticism class. She taught me things that I probably shouldve been taught before I went to college but never was. She pushed me to be better with my writing, told me how to get there, and then made sure to acknowledge the progress that had been made. She was young, very tough, taught an incredibly difficult class, and held very high expectations for everyone. If you were willing to participate and contribute in a meaningful way, she would welcome it enthusiastically. If you did participate, she would remember you for all the classes you took with her and really made sure these students felt recognized and encouraged. Check out Courtneys tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Want to Teach Cooking Heres How to Plan a Cooking Class

Want to Teach Cooking Heres How to Plan a Cooking Class Advice for Setting Up a Cooking Workshop ChaptersBe the Best!Think about Your OfferingHow to Create a Cooking Class Lesson PlanOutline the Steps to FollowDefine Your OfferingIf you love being in the kitchen cooking up interesting recipes, why not share your knowledge of cooking by giving private tutorials to budding chefs who want to learn how to cook?“No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.” - Julia ChildWhat’s better than sharing a meal with friends or family?Follow our advice for becoming a cooking tutor and soon your students will learn to cook with confidence. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 ( 1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBe the Best!Good things come to those who wait...You’ll nee d to be an experienced cook before you start teaching cooking tutorials. That said, you don’t need to be a Michelin Star chef or even have a degree from a cooking school.With proper planning, good tutorials are a piece of cake! (Source: Daria-Yakovleva)In fact, you don’t actually need any qualifications to start teaching private cooking tutorials.  On the other hand, you will need experience. You wouldn’t consider teaching people how to drive if you didn’t know how to start a car, would you? The same goes for cooking.Are you often told that your cooking is great?Do you often impress your friends and family with the meals you make for them?There’s more to it than just knowing how to cook, though! You need to be able to transfer all of that expert knowledge of the culinary arts to your friends, whether they’re absolute beginners or decent cooks.Before you start teaching, make sure that you practise regularly to ensure that all your skills are sharp.You’ll need to have a lot of tips up your sleeves and be able to teach your students complex cooking techniques. Simply following a recipe won’t be enough, you’ll need to be familiar with all the fundamental techniques involved including knife skills, chopping, different levels of “doneness”, which vegetables are in season, and how to prepare menus from scratch.You can get this practice by cooking for families and friends. You could provide a free demonstration to them as if you were a teacher in your own cooking school. Their feedback will be useful when it comes to refining both your cooking techniques and your teaching techniques.Find out more about the cooking tutorials available around the UK.Think about Your OfferingWhat are you planning on teaching your students?This is a question you’ll need to ask yourself about your teaching methods and the type of food you’re going to teach them to cook!  You might want to teach a general cooking class on various different types of cooking or focus on certain specific cooking techniques.Tutoring jobs in cooking will come to you if you can prove that you offer something special to your students beyond just fish and chips.To make sure your cooking class stands out and your students can find you more easily, you might want to consider focusing on one particular type of cooking, a particular set of culinary skills, or cooking with certain ingredients.You could teach parents how to help the kids in the kitchen, focusing on safely using knives and kitchen safety, or you could focus on baking (it's rather popular at the moment) and help you students make their own dough, etc. If you have decided to teach people how to bake, for example, then just focus on improving that particular aspect of your cooking.In fact, rather than being a culinary Jack of all trades, it's better knowing everything about a given topic or style.  For example, you’d have to adopt a different approach if you want teach Japanese cooking rather than Italian cu isine.A basic cooking class won’t be taught in the same way as a cooking tutorial on baked goods, making healthier meals for kids, or vegetarian cooking. When prepping for online tutoring jobs, it's important to have a plan and know what exactly you are trying to teach.There are three main categories of cooking tutorials:General cooking classes: These classes focus on cooking as a part of life and can include topics like: avoiding waste, basic ingredients for cooking, making recipes with what you have in your fridge, getting kids to try new things, making starters/appetizers or desserts in a few hours, etc. These classes tend to be for lower levels and will require you to take a hands on approach and often follow a cookbook (or your own recipe).Technical cooking classes: These are classes for those want to learn how to cook for work and can include advanced techniques like cutting chicken, cooking Canelés, making homemade custard, preparing sushi, etc. Since the students in these classes will probably be more advanced, these types of classes can be run as workshops with multiple students. However, certain cooking methods will require one-on-one instruction.Cooking prep classes: These classes focus on preparing the ingredients for things like pies and cakes, paella, coq-au-vin, etc. and will have a focus on time management and the kinds of skills you are taught in a culinary school.Ask yourself the following questions:What recipes could I make better?Am I better at making mains or desserts?Have I got the technical ability for teaching cooking classes?What do I wan to teach my students?Once you’ve decided exactly what you can and will teach, you can start planning your classes. 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(Source: monicore)To do this, you’ll need to plan out your lesson and take the following into consideration:The length of your lessons: You can’t teach as much in an hour as you can in three. You need to plan your lessons based on how long they last. Avoid overwhelming your students with too much information or boring them by having ran out of things to teach them after half an hour.Where your cooking classes are taking place: Are you teaching them in your own house, a private kitchen, or their place? If you’re teaching at your place, make sure that you adhere to the same hygiene standards a restaura nt would be held to since your student will be probably eating the food.The goals of the lesson: Whether it’s making a certain dish or dessert in a given amount of time, using different ingredients, or pairings, make sure that the lesson objectives are achievable both in terms of your student’s level and the length of the lesson.The necessary materials: the utensils, products, herbs, spices, etc. Make sure you don’t forget anything that you’ll need both in terms of ingredients and teaching resources.The recipes, of course: If you’re going to get your students to make a beef bourguignon, you should show them the recipe before you set them on their way.It might be worthwhile putting together a lesson plan on paper so that your lesson has structure and focus.  Once you’ve got all this ready, you can get going and start teaching your student exactly what you planned to.  You should check out how some of the other cooking tutors are doing it.Outline the Steps to FollowBefore you start cooking gourmet meals and trying some of the delicious dishes that you and your student make, there are three steps you should follow:Preparation (or prep): Outline which utensils they’re going to need (so they can get them out), which products they’re going to use and how much of each ingredient, as well as the techniques they’ll be expected to use.Cooking: Whether in an oven, water bath, frying pan, or sauce pan, you need to think about the temperature, how long you’ll be cooking it for, and how you’ll be able to tell when it’s done. Your students will find the latter very useful.Serving/Plating: For the full chef’s experience, show your students how to display their creations on a plate.You should make sure that your food looks good so that people want to learn how to cook it. (Source: Einladung_zum_Essen)Learning to cook like a professional chef takes patience, organisation, and technique. You’ll be expected to teach your students each of these elements .  We recommend you put together a document or handout with different tips for preparation, cooking, and serving.Additionally, you should take photos of your recipes and if you have someone to help you, you should ask them to film you and the different techniques you use while you’re making the food.  Photos and videos will help your students to follow along with your lessons.Define Your OfferingNow that you’ve got your cooking classes ready, it’s time to formalise your offering. There are several things you’ll have to do before you start your lessons and become a private cooking tutor:The price: your price will vary depending on how long your cooking classes are. The price will also change according to the type of lessons you’re offering. For example, the average cost of a private cooking tutorial in London is about £30 per hour. Of course, this rate differs across the country and also depends on the qualifications and experience of the tutor. The price can also change d rastically depending on the type cooking tutorials you’re offering. A specialised bakery tutorial could cost more than a general cooking tutorial. Have you had a look at similar tutors and adjusted your rates accordingly?The number of students: Are you considering teaching private cooking tutorials or did you consider teaching group classes? If you’re teaching several students at the same time, you’ll need to consider the maximum class size. If you have limited space, this will affect the maximum of students you can teach. In fact, a narrow kitchen might mean that you won’t be able to have a lot of students.Tasting: Will your students be eating what they make at the end or will they be taking it home to eat? You’ll need to consider this when you’re planning how long your lessons last.Your unique selling point (USP): To gain more students, you could run special classes for hen parties, team building exercises, or groups of friends. You could also offer special gifts for l oyalty, reductions on rates for recommending your classes to friends, etc. Let your imagination run wild and make your classes an essential part of your students’ schedules.You should encourage your students to try their creations at the end of the lesson. (Source: cattalin)In short:Cooking for your friends and family is not the same as teaching cooking classes. The latter requires much more planning and organisation.Becoming an expert in a particular aspect or style of cooking will help you when it comes to teaching cooking classes.Focus on what your lessons are about: teaching a beginner how to cook is not the same as teaching an experienced pastry chef advanced techniques.Be organised and methodical:  Create a handout summarising your class, where it takes place, the lesson objectives, the materials students should bring, and the recipe they’re going to be working on.  Be just as organised and methodical when preparing, cooking, and plating the dishes.Finally, don’t forget to adapt your classes to your students. That’s why they’re getting a private tutor, after all.Who knows?  You might be teaching the next famous celebrity chef Find cooking classes near me with SuperprofFind cooking classes London.Now learn how you can stand out with your cooking lessons...