Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is it Like to Attend Oklahoma State University

What is it Like to Attend Oklahoma State University Courtney earned her bachelors degree in English from Oklahoma State University. She specializes in English tutoring,test prep tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Oklahoma State University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Courtney: I attended Oklahoma State University and the campus was quite large, but all of the buildings were within walking distance of each other without having to cross any major streets. They provided a bus system to transport students around the town and the campus. The college is located in a small city, so it had a bit of a suburban vibe, but also a little rural because its in Oklahoma. I felt very safe on campus; there were lights and emergency phone boxes all over. People were always out and about because the campus is beautiful. I felt fine walking home alone at night, but I always made sure to be aware of all my surroundings. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Courtney: My specific academic adviser made himself incredibly available to all students, opening his doors during lunch and almost all hours of the school day. Everyone felt comfortable coming to him with any problem they might have had. I would say the other advisers are pretty available as well and most everyone is very welcoming. Most of the professors are available, although with most of them you must make an appointment to see them. Some of them adopt the same attitude as my adviser, and leave their rooms open. Professors in college tend to feel less approachable than teachers in high school just because they expect more, they dont tolerate misbehavior, and youre in an environment of higher learning. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Courtney: The dorms were great and had many options. I stayed in the suite dorms with three other roommates the first two years of college, although you are only required to stay on campus the first year. The school offered plenty of dining options, sometimes in the dorms themselves, and also a variety of great options in the student union. Socializing with other students is easy because the campus is beautiful, so everyone is outside when its nice. The school offers plenty of events, clubs, and programs in which you can meet tons of new students in the exact same boat as you. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Courtney: My college offers one of the best veterinary programs in the United States. Because its in Oklahoma, the agricultural college is obviously very well supported and encouraged. I studied English and I very much loved the English department, even the building itself and the professors that taught within it. I would say the university does a pretty good job of supporting all other interests. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Courtney: At first, it seems hard to get out and meet new people, but then you remember that everyone is in the same position as you are. I met most of my friends in my dorm and in some of my freshman classes, such as freshman orientation. I would encourage new students to try out a few different campus-sponsored events if they feel its hard to meet new people, and I would especially encourage them to reach out to other students in class, perhaps suggesting a study group. Greek life plays a pretty significant role, but I would say the social life is equally rich for the Greek student and the non-Greek student. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Courtney: My school hosts many job fairs and career-related events and they also allow you to continue using their career-finding services even after youve graduated. Working with your college can really help once you graduate. They offer resume-building services, internships, and plenty of college-enriching programs, such as studying abroad. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Courtney: The library and student union are very large. Our student union is considered one of the biggest and best in the nation after its recent renovation. Our school is well funded and has a couple of donors who are constantly renovating and improving the campus. Its not overcrowded at all and definitely easily accessable. Describe the surrounding town. Courtney: The campus is located in a smaller town, so oftentimes the more fun events and activities are involved with the campus or the immediate surrounding area of the campus. The downtown area is literally right next to the campus, so all of the festivities tend to stay close to the actual college or the middle of the town. It doesnt take long to get anywhere in that town. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Courtney: The student body is quite large, with about 25,000 students. In the first year or two, and sometimes in the later years of undergrad, you will generally come across larger lecture-style classes, as everyone is trying to take their general education classes. Once you take classes that are more specific to your field of study, the class size will shrink and you will go through your specific program with the same general group of people. I got fairly close with the people who were in my English/education program. Overall, I was pleased with the class sizes. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Courtney: I had one professor who made a huge impact on me. She was a teacher for the upper-level English courses, like my literary criticism class. She taught me things that I probably shouldve been taught before I went to college but never was. She pushed me to be better with my writing, told me how to get there, and then made sure to acknowledge the progress that had been made. She was young, very tough, taught an incredibly difficult class, and held very high expectations for everyone. If you were willing to participate and contribute in a meaningful way, she would welcome it enthusiastically. If you did participate, she would remember you for all the classes you took with her and really made sure these students felt recognized and encouraged. Check out Courtneys tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

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